Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Last week I had the most vivid dream of Mason. I often fall asleep praying for good dreams of him, but I very rarely have them or at least I don't remember them if I do have them.

In the dream, I was carrying Mason, like I used to as much as I could. He was the same size that I remember him. He was a big and strong almost eight year old and way too big for me to carry but I loved doing it, even though his feet knocked against my knees as I walked. I think he loved it just as much as I did or he just knew I liked it and liked to make me happy. I'm not sure which it was. We were outside, walking somewhere and the sun was shining very brightly. The air was warm, but not too hot. Mas was wearing a red shirt and the shirt had soaked up the warmth of the sun. I could feel his weight and his warmth in my arms in my dream. There was a bird flying above us and Mason asked me, "Momma, is that a dove?" I didn't know so I told him just that. He persisted, rather anxiously and impatiently. I reminded him that he could see much better than I could. Jenny was standing beside us and he leaned over toward her, nearly knocking us over. He said, "Jenjen, is that a dove?" Jenny replied, "Yes, bud, it is." At the same time that she was responding, the bird began to fly lower and hovered over Mason for a bit. At that moment I realized that it was a dove. There was bright light behind it and bluish rays extending past it's wings. Mason was looking up at it in awe. Then I woke up to the reality of my empty arms. I tried to go back to sleep, hoping the dream would continue, but it didn't. I'm still thankful for the dream. I don't know what it meant exactly but it was awesome to feel my sweet boy in my arms again, if only in my dreams.

Mason's 9th birthday would be tomorrow. I don't think I've been thinking about it too much but in the very early morning yesterday I dreamed, once again in vivid color, that I was at my desk working and Mason was on his way to the bathroom. He was wearing the same red shirt as in my other dream. He said, "Hey, Momma, I want to invite Jakey to my party." I don't know at all what that one meant especially since we don't know a Jakey, but it was still nice to "talk" to Mason again, even if it was only in my dreams. That's all I have left, until we meet again on the other side of Heaven.


  1. It is not right that we only get to "see" our children in dreams, is it?

    I am thinking of you today...of Mason...and wondering if they celebrate these "would be" earthly birthdays up in Heaven. I hope they do. And, even if they don' can't be wrong to imagine that they do.

    In fact, I'm imagining that Mason and Mark are having a huge piece of birthday cake right now...probably getting it all over their faces. And I am certain that Mason has been teaching Mark to play baseball ever since they met!

    Until we see them,

  2. We have been thinking of you all day...we love you so much..I am sure that my mom is helping him celebrate in a way we can't imagine! Love you!
