Today we are applying for a new passport for Jenny in preparation for a big trip that we're taking over what will be difficult days. Realistically, for several reasons we probably wouldn't be taking this trip if Mason were still here with us. He didn't like air travel and this trip will require a lot of it. He wasn't scared of flying. He just didn't like the limited space and activity. He enjoyed seeing new places and things but there was no place like home for him. When we traveled he was always ready when it was time to go home (and see his cat). This is a trip that we need to take and I'm sure it will be good, but it seems so strange travellng without him. No matter how far or for how long I go on this earth, I will still miss him. I will be glad when I have completed my travels on this journey.
When Andrea was almost three, we flew from Dallas to Germany with a stop extra stops (Memphis/Atlanta). It was one of the longest flights of my life! She was so scared, she told everybody to shut the shutters on their window. And she made sure it stayed shut too. Good thing she was little or else I think the other passengers wouldn't have thought it was so cute! On take-off from Memphis, however, she looked out the window and was in awe though. Out of her little mouth came, "Ma, look Christmas lights!!" It was only the street lights just teeni-tiny from up above, but soo cute :) Safe travels!! Are you coming my way by chance? xoxo