A few months ago, Mas and I were having one of our great conversations. I was talking to him about how he had his Dad here but also his Father in Heaven, how cool it was that he had two fathers and how even when Dad or I couldn't be with him, he was never alone because God was always with him. That is when Mason asked me the burning question. "Then how come not everybody believes in God, Momma?" I told him that was a good question and one I didn't have the answer to. Mas was quiet for a few and then said, "That must really hurt God's feelings." I didn't have anything to say in return but it hurt to think about how I would feel if one of my children denied me. I realized how right on Mason really was.
Yesterday I picked up the things that were stashed in Mason's desk at school. His writing journal entry for 16 December was this. The drawing is of an angel and the kid-writing is, "because I believe in God." There is nothing more that he needed to say. I am so thankful for everything that Mason shared with me. I cherish even the very many sleepless nights. I know what I am missing though, and I sure do miss it now - all of it. I am beyond sad without my sweet boy here in the way that I had grown so accustomed to and enjoyed so much but, even more, I rest assured that he is with his Father at home.
How beautiful, what a beautiful child he is and how excited His heavenly Father was to see Him come home! I am feeling the same way with my mom, I know she is in heaven, but I was so used to her and thought I was going to see her for a much longer time.